Friday, July 1, 2016

Jo Lampert

Jo Lampert (lead vox) is a BK-based performer, producer, and DJ. She recently toured the world with the band tUnE-yArDs. 

Selected NYC credits: "Jo Lampert in the Lounge" (a solo cabaret) (Ars Nova); "Rimbaud in NY" (BAM); "New York Animals" (Bedlam); "Iphigenia in Aulis" (CSC); "Good Year for Hunters" (New Ohio); "Dance, Dance Revolution" (Dir. Alex Timbers). 

Regional credits include: "The LaMaMa Cantata" (Tokyo); "The Bengsons' Hundred Days" (Know Theatre, Z Space); "Marie Antoinette" (A.R.T., Yale Rep); "Prometheus Bound" (A.R.T.); "The Last Goodbye" (Williamstown). 

Civilians Associate Artist; BFA, NYU Tisch.

